Monday, September 22, 2014

The Plight of the NEW Lake House Fortress

Today, I feel like chronicling the current status of our new house and land from the point of view of the Lake House Fortress.  So, I give to you, The Plight of the NEW Lake House Fortress.  It most certainly is a plight, at the moment...  For those who missed Part 1, this should straighten it out: The Plight of the Lake House Fortress 

My dearest home base ally, 

I know it has been some time since my last contact.  Much has happened.  I regret to inform you that our Lake House Fortress was overtaken.  I take full responsibility for our loss.  I was wooed by the cunning alpha male with promises of shiny, new things.  Alas, the things are neither shiny or new.  My current stronghold is one of meager protection from the elements, although, it's wheels are encouraging, as this could make for a quick escape from future enemies.  Another redeeming quality includes a built-in drying station for articles of cloth.  This technology is inferior to the drying units of the past, but I cannot deny its merit.  You will also be pleased to know the temporary stronghold has a parking garage, although the height of this shelter is not optimal for traditional modes of transportation. 

I cannot lie.  It has not all been so easy.  The canine beasts have had to make their own adjustments.  Droplets from the heavens have proven to be more stressful for the fattest beast within the trailer of tin, and medications affect him in a way that I can only describe as a hangover.  (He sleeps when he should pee...)  I must say, his habits have improved.  Apparently, neither he nor I wish to drug him in this manner again. 

The laziest of the beasts seems less affected.  She roosts upon higher seating areas, surveying the lands and plotting her next move.  She has, however, become more demanding and vocalizes her discontentment at whim.  Still, she returns to her resting state.  The demands of her throne must me exhausting and stressful.

I am monitoring the situation closely, as the laziness seems to be contagious... 

Canine beasts aside, the location is quite nice.  The views are stunning and will prove to be distracting, I believe, to any enemy combatants that might impose upon us.  It is here where our new fortress will be constructed. 

The housing for water-propelled devices is nearly complete.  This feature was key in the selection of our new fortress location.  I can almost taste the victory.  

 Celebration may be premature at this point, but I cannot help myself.  Even the alpha male can appreciate this excitement, although, I am sure he was mocking me from ashore. 

I have also come across new spies in the form of Felis catus.  They are nosey.  Some would describe it as curiosity, but I am not fooled.  Additionally, their cuteness is unnerving but also a nice distraction from the mess, as the excavation has begun.  Must... not... submit...  Ah, I can't help it.  I like them.  They must be fed...

But back to the fortress...  The alpha male oversees the construction.  I concede that this is helpful, but I must maintain final authority.  I will enforce creative opinions as we near the end.  Until then, I will allow the illusion of control to rest in his hands.  Also, there is much dirt.  Dirt is everywhere.  

  And motorized machinery... Everywhere...  Wielded closely to the trailer of tin...  

I have charged the larger of the two canine beasts with overseeing this overindulgence of equipment.  He is especially perplexed by the armed apparatus that bears the name "CAT."  Could this be related to our Felis catus visitors?  Coincidence?  Maybe to the less observant.  

I must go for now.  The mound promises to overtake the trailer of tin if I continue to neglect its existence.  It even creeps within its borders by foot.  I will not sanction this mode of entry any longer.   

Good luck my ally, and enjoy the beauty of the makings of the rest of our new Lake House Fortress and the views of its surroundings and inhabitants.

P.S. Tell the wild-haired one we have internet.



  1. We will overcome the mechanical CAT and the dirt and be left with many rooms to disperse with the Wild Haired one and her siblings. Excitement swells. Stand strong, especially when it comes to things like colors, the siding of the fortress and all the danties we know will have to be acquired. :)

    1. Haha! I mean... Ahem... My resolve has never been stronger.
