This is Jazz, and this is her nap face. Some people get bed hair, but not Jazz. It's all in the lips. They freeze in whatever manner she lays on them and stick that way for a few minutes after she wakes up. It's the cutest, funniest thing you will ever see. I'm going to miss that face.
We found out before Christmas that Jazz has advanced lymphoma. Although losing her will be one of the toughest heartbreaks I will ever face, she has enriched my life in more ways than I could have imagined.
She is my shadow, following me wherever I go. If I am sitting, she is next to me. If I am sleeping, she is spooning. If I am having French fries, she is having French fries, of course.
She runs like a greyhound--sleek, fast, and low to the ground. She has the cutest howl; she looks like a toothless, little old lady when she does it. She cries for us when we are gone (and sometimes when we are there, if we are not sitting on the couch with her). She LOVES treats, and she will dance, bounce, and hop around when she knows she is due. Although she is a great swimmer, she is not particularly fond of being wet; this includes rain.
She is pretty lazy. She has the biggest bat ears, and rather than turn her head to look at you, she merely follows you with her eyes and hones in on you with those satellites when you speak.
She requires a blanket at all times. ALL times... If not, you will get the sneeze of frustration, followed by some brief whining, and then the howl. Additionally, the blanket must not be on the floor, but on a couch, chair, or bed. She likes a good belly rub, but THE spot to rub is on her neck, under her collar. She is sweet, quiet, and tolerant, and right now, she is hogging the bed. I will suffer through it, though, because she is happy.
She is perfect, she is loved, and yes, she is rotten. I have enjoyed every second of making her that way, and I will continue to do so until our last day together. After that, I will still love her forever--my best friend. (One of them... She has a "brother," but that's another post.)
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